Post 4: Northern Early Renaissance Art

The Northern Early Renaissance took place during the 15th and 16th centuries. It differed from the Italian Renaissance dramatically. Stylistically this period was known for its structured, detailed, and symmetrical art that showed the importance of the artist and showed new details such as a focus on textiles. Most pieces were less Greek and Roman influenced and showed the use of chiaroscuro. Most art pieces showed of wealth and consisted of vibrant and intense colors. The key during this period was the also the artists signature on the art.
Altarpiece of the Patron Saints of Cologne
Stefan Lochner
Source: Here
Alexander McQueen Dress
The Altarpiece of the Patron Saints of Cologne was painted in the 1440s by Stefan Lochner. In this piece the stylistic characteristics are easily seen. The painting is structured and detailed. There is an important of wealth seen in this piece through the rich detailed textiles and vibrant, intense colors. In 2010, the designer Alexander McQueen used this painting and other paintings from the Northern Early Renaissance in his creations. With the dress seen above and zoomed in on one piece, it easy to notice that this painting was used in the dress. There is a flag visible and a similar subject holding it.
